Tag: SoftwareIsEasyPeopleAreHard (Page 1 of 2)

3 Simple Rules for Writing Elegant Code

We write code for humans to read and computers to execute

 in that order

A common topic in the software development industry is the way in which the code is written or how you should write your code. There are a lot of resources about good practices and some even contradict each other, which makes it a bit confusing. I won’t do that, instead, I’m going to show you what I keep in mind when I write code or do code reviews for somebody else. 

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What is imposter syndrome?

All developers have suffered from it. Basically, from time to time you feel like a fraud. If you have seen the movie “Catch me if you can” – 2002 starring Leonardo DiCaprio that is a pretty accurate representation of how this feeling manifests. In the movie Leo impersonates a flight pilot (among other jobs) in order to access free travel by plane from city to city and cash fake checks. He is always looking over his shoulder to see if the police have finally got to him.  

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How to deal with that one colleague


You just got a new job. Maybe it’s your first job, maybe you changed jobs. Whatever the case is you are now here. Brand new office, brand new colleagues, everything’s going to be awesome. Well, not quite. Something will go horribly wrong, you just don’t know it yet. Imagine as if in your first few days at you job the (1975) “Jaws” movie song is playing in the background but you can’t hear it.

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How to deal with anger

Regardless of your job you will have to work with colleaguesmanagers or clients. Sometimes, it’s harder to work with these people than doing your actual job. As our book title implies: “Software is easy. People are hard” . We each see the world through our own eyes and when somebody has a different opinion of how things should be done arguments are bound to happen.

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Hello and welcome!

Maybe you have been at your first interview or the last one. I don’t know, maybe you just came from an interview, I had that feeling too. Bear with me.

First of all don’t beat yourself up. Enjoy your unemployed time, go out, fix your vices. When you will be hired full time everything changes. Similar to when you have a baby. Your schedule changes, you start going out with people that have jobs. It is difficult to schedule a night out. Basically you are now an adult. Of course, I am talking about the grind. Going on and on and on until burnout settles and you start taking it slow.

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How to: give and receive feedback.

“I think it’s very important to have a feedback loop, where you’re constantly thinking about what you’ve done and how you could be doing it better.”

Elon Musk

A couple of days before writing this article I attended an event about feedback. I went there with my hopes low thinking that this will be just another boring event. But o boy, was I pleasantly surprised to be part of a group, not an audience.

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Overpaid developers – myth, truth and legend


If you create your own app Elon Musk will instantly come out of nowhere to declare you a millionaire.

Media has a tendency to only show us the winners. We see it all the time: “teenager creates million dollar app“, “they started their billion dollar empire in their garage“. Yes, these things happen, but they are so much rarer than we are led to believe.

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